Updated Information on how small businesses and the self-employed can weather Covid 19 – March 21st, 2020

I want to try and keep the information as clear and as simple as I possibly can for everyone, so I won’t be writing out everything again, I will just be writing out the highlights.

There were some pretty big announcements made last night, but we are still hoping the government will go even further in helping all businesses, no matter the size, right across the UK

1) Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme:

All UK employers will be able to access support to continue to pay part of their employees’ salaries for those who would otherwise have been laid off during this situation.

In order to claim the money, you will need to designate affected employees as “furloughed workers” and notify your employees of the change in their employment status (this remains subject to existing employment law, and depending on the contract, may be subject to negotiation) and submit the information to HMRC about those employees status and their earnings through a new online portal (the information required will be set out at a later date). HMRC will then reimburse the employer 80% of the employee’s salary, up to £2,500/month. This is being backdated to all employees who have been laid off since March 1st. The government has said this is currently for 3 months, but will be continuing to review this scheme and put it in place for longer if necessary. The existing payroll systems are not set up to facilitate this scheme but HMRC are working at getting a new system set up urgently.

2) Deferment of VAT and Income Tax Payments

VAT registered businesses will be able to defer their VAT payments for 3 months. The deferral will apply from 20 March 2020 to 30 June 2020. You don’t need to apply for this to happen – it will be done automatically, you just do not make a payment during this time period and you will be given until the end of the 2020 to 2021 tax year to pay any liabilities accumulated during the deferment period. All VAT refunds and reclaims will be paid by HMRC as normal.

All income tax self-assessment payments due on 31/07/2020 will be deferred until 31/01/2021. You do not need to apply for this to happen as it will be automatically granted. There won’t be any penalties or interest for late payments charged during the deferral period.

3) Cash grants for retail, hospitality and leisure businesses:

This scheme provides all businesses in retail, hospitality and leisure sectors with a cash grant of up to £25,000 per property. For any business in this sector that has a rateable value of under £15,000, they will receive a grant of £10,000. Any business in this sector that has a rateable value of between £15,001 and £51,000, they will receive the full grant of £25,000.

In order to obtain this grant, your business must be based in England and be in the retail, hospitality and/or leisure sector. Your business must be a shop, restaurant, cafe, drinking establishment, cinema, live music venue, for assembly and leisure, or a hotel, guest and boarding premise and self-catering accommodation.

Your local authority will write to you automatically if you are eligible. The guidance for this scheme will be provided to the local authorities shortly.

4) Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme:

The government has increased the turnover for a business to no more than £45 million per annum and they have increased the time limit for the finance interest free payments from 6 months to 12 months.

5) Support for businesses paying tax:

This scheme is now also open to all firms and individuals who are in temporary financial distress as a result of Covid-19 and have outstanding tax liabilities.

6) Support for the self-employed:

It has been announced that the government is increasing the standard allowance in Universal Credit and the basic element of Working Tax Credit by £20.00/week for 1 year from April 6, 2020. Universal credit will increase from £317.82/month to £409.89/month for a single claiming aged 25 or over.

The government is also increasing the Local Housing Allowance rate and it will apply to all private renters who already get Universal Credit housing element or are new to getting it, as well as to those who already get Housing Benefit.

For the self-employed who claim Universal Credit, you will not have to go to the jobcentre to prove you have gainful self-employment if you have to stay at home due to coronavirus, or are ill as a result of it.

The information and policies are continually being updated by the government, so I urge you to keep on top of the information by visiting the relevant website for your area.

Scotland: https://www.gov.scot/coronavirus-covid-19/
Wales: https://gov.wales/business-and-employers-coronavirus
Northern Ireland: https://www.nibusinessinfo.co.uk/

I will be trying to keep myself as informed as possible and will share relevant information on my fb business page: https://www.facebook.com/ihelmenterprises/

Updated Information on how small businesses and the self-employed can weather Covid 19 – March 20th, 2020

I want to try and keep the information as clear and as simple as I possibly can for everyone, so I won’t be writing out everything again, I will just be writing out the highlights.

The government have published some very clear guidelines on what businesses and workplaces should be doing in regards to staff. It’s a very lengthy document so I’m not going to publish all of the information but this is the link to read: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/guidance-to-employers-and-businesses-about-covid-19/guidance-for-employers-and-businesses-on-coronavirus-covid-19

Yesterday, further information was released on the various packages the government has created to help support businesses during these uncertain times.

1) Statutory Sick Pay:

If your employer requires evidence, those who have symptoms of Coronovirus can get an isolation note from https://111.nhs.uk/covid-19 and those who are living with someone who has symptoms can get a note from https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/self-isolation-advice/. The government is going to work with employers in the upcoming months to set up the repayment mechanism as soon as possible. They have also added new criteria to access this scheme – your business must be UK based.

2) Business rates holiday for retail, hospitality and leisure businesses

A bit of further guidance on this specific relief has been published – your business must be based in England and the properties that will benefit from this relief will be occupied properties that are wholly or mainly used as shops, restaurants, cafes, drinking establishments, cinemas, live music venues, places used for assembly and leisure, and hotels/guest and boarding premises/self-catering accommodation.

You don’t need to do anything to access this grant. It will be applied to your next council tax bill in April 2020. You may find that your local authority will have to reissue your bill automatically to exclude the business rate charge, and they will be doing this as soon as possible.

If you wanted to estimate the business rate charge you will not have to pay you can use the business rates calculator: https://www.gov.uk/calculate-your-business-rates

If you need further guidance on this you can find it here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/business-rates-retail-discount-guidance

3) Cash grants for retail, hospitality and leisure businesses:

To find out if you are eligible for this, you need to contact your local authority.

4) Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme:

The government has published further guidance on the eligibility for this scheme – your business must be UK based and have a turnover of no more than £41 million per annum and your business must meet the other British Business Bank eligibility criteria.

You can find out the full rules of the Scheme and the list of accredited lenders by going here: https://www.british-business-bank.co.uk/ourpartners/coronavirus-business-interruption-loan-scheme-cbils/. All of the major banks will be offering this Scheme once it’s fully launched.

You are advised to talk to your bank or finance provider (not the British Business Bank) as soon as possible to discuss your business plan with them. Your lender can then act quickly once the Scheme has launched. You could also ask for a repayment holiday on any existing loans that you have.

5) Support for businesses paying tax:

The government has released more information about who is eligible for this type of support. Your business must pay tax to the UK government and has outstanding tax liabilities.

The information and policies are continually being updated by the government, so I urge you to keep on top of the information by visiting the relevant website for your area.

Scotland: https://www.gov.scot/coronavirus-covid-19/
Wales: https://gov.wales/business-and-employers-coronavirus
Northern Ireland: https://www.nibusinessinfo.co.uk/

I will be trying to keep myself as informed as possible and will share relevant information on my fb business page: https://www.facebook.com/ihelmenterprises/

Updated Information on how small businesses and the self-employed can weather Covid 19 – March 19th, 2020

I want to try and keep the information as clear and as simple as I possibly can for everyone, so I won’t be writing out everything again, I will just be writing out the highlights.

1) Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan:

It has been announced that the further details about this scheme, including the lenders that will be providing it, will be available from the week commencing March 23, 2020.

2) Larger Firms that can’t access the measures already in place:

The Bank of England is going to provide a new lending facility to provide assistance to larger firms and help them to raise working capital through the purchase of short-term debt. It will support companies that are fundamentally strong but have been affected by the squeeze on short-term funding. It will also support the corporate finance markets and ease the supply of credit to all firms. Information on how to access this funding will be released in the following days and it will be available from the week beginning March 23, 2020.

3) IR35

The government is going to delay the introduction of the new rules applying to IR35 until April 6, 2021 due to Covid-2019.

The information and policies are continually being updated by the government, so I urge you to keep on top of the information by visiting the relevant website for your area.

Scotland: https://www.gov.scot/coronavirus-covid-19/
Wales: https://gov.wales/business-and-employers-coronavirus
Northern Ireland: https://www.nibusinessinfo.co.uk/

I will be trying to keep myself as informed as possible and will share relevant information on my fb business page: https://www.facebook.com/ihelmenterprises/

Updated Information on how small businesses and the self-employed can weather Covid 19 – March 18th, 2020

I want to try and keep the information as clear and as simple as I possibly can for everyone, so I won’t be writing out everything again, I will just be writing out the highlights.

1) Support for Businesses that pay little or no business rates:

The amount of the grant has been raised to £10,000 if your business is eligible for SBRR or Rural Rate Relief. You don’t need to apply for this and should be contacted by your local authority. The funding will be provided to local authorities in early April and the government will provide guidance to them shortly.

2) Support for businesses that pay business rates:

A business rate holiday is being introduced for retail, hospitality and leisure businesses in England for the 2020/2021 tax year. The government has also said that for businesses with a rateable value between £15,000 and £51,000 a £25,000 grant will be provided to retail, hospitality and leisure businesses operating from smaller premises. The government will provide guidance to local authorities for the business rates holiday by March 20th, 2020.

3) Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan:

The amount a business can claim has been increased to up to £5 million in value. The first 6 months of the loan will be finance interest-free as the government will cover the first 6 months of interest payments.

4) Insurance:

If you have appropriate policies based on the government advising people to avoid your business, your insurance firm will payout. Your insurance would need to say that cover is provided for both pandemics and government-ordered closures. Please contact your insurance company to see if you are covered.

The information and policies are continually being updated by the government, so I urge you to keep on top of the information by visiting the relevant website for your area.

Scotland: https://www.gov.scot/coronavirus-covid-19/
Wales: https://gov.wales/business-and-employers-coronavirus
Northern Ireland: https://www.nibusinessinfo.co.uk/

I will be trying to keep myself as informed as possible and will share relevant information on my fb business page: https://www.facebook.com/ihelmenterprises/

Information on how small businesses and the self-employed can weather Covid 19

Like many other small businesses in the UK, I am left wondering what to do and how will my business survive the storm that is Covid-19. I am a firm believer in helping businesses to grow, so I have put together a very quick overview of what help is available out there.

The information and policies are continually being updated by the government, so I urge you to keep on top of the information by visiting the relevant website for your area.

Scotland: https://www.gov.scot/coronavirus-covid-19/
Wales: https://gov.wales/business-and-employers-coronavirus
Northern Ireland: https://www.nibusinessinfo.co.uk/

I will be trying to keep myself as informed as possible and will share relevant information on my fb business page: https://www.facebook.com/ihelmenterprises/

These are the current measurements that have been put in place to help businesses across the UK.

  1. Statutory Sick Pay Relief Package

    This has been set up to allow small- to medium-sized businesses and employers to be able to reclaim SSP paid for sickness absences due to Covid-19.

    There are certain criteria that the businesses must meet, however:
    – it will cover up to 2 weeks’ SSP per eligible employee off work due to Covid-19 (it cannot be claimed to cover any other SSP)
    – employers with fewer than 250 employees as of 28/02/2020 will be eligible
    – employers can reclaim expenditure for any employee who claimed SSP (according to the new criteria) due to Covid-19
    – employers need to keep records of staff absences and payments of SSP, but employees won’t need to provide a GP fit note
    – also covers those employees who aren’t ill but unable to work because they’ve been advised to self-isolate in line with guidance issued by the Government
    – the eligible period will commence the day after the regulations on extension of SSP to those staying at home comes into force
    – the mechanism for claiming this repayment hasn’t yet been set up but will be set up over the coming months

  2. Business rates discount in England increased to 100% for 2020 to 2021 tax year for properties below £51,000 rateable value. This relief has also been expanded to the leisure and hospitality sectors. All businesses receiving the retail discount in the 2019 to 2020 tax year will be rebilled by their local authority. However, any business eligible for newly expanded retail discount and/or the new pubs discount may need to apply to their local authority to receive the discount.

    Any enquiries on eligibility or provision of rate relief should be directed to your local authority. Guidance given to local authorities on the expanded retail discount will be published by the government by March 20th.

  3. Support for businesses who pay little or no business rates

    The government is providing an additional £2.2 billion funding for local authorities to support small businesses that already pay little or no business rates because of small business rate relief (SBBR) which will provide a one-off grant of £3,000 to businesses currently eligible to help meet ongoing costs.

    There hasn’t yet been any information on how to get this grant.

  4. Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme

    A temporary scheme delivered by British Business Bank will launch in a matter of weeks to support businesses to access bank lending and overdrafts. The Government will provide lenders with a guarantee of 80% on each loan (subject to a per-lender cap on claims) to give lenders further confidence in continuing to provide finance to SMEs. They will not charge businesses or banks for the guarantee – and will support loans of up to £1.2 million in value. The new guarantee will initially support up to £1 billion of lending on top of current support offered through British Busines Bank.

  5. Support for businesses paying tax

    All businesses and self-employed people with outstanding tax liabilities may be eligible to receive support with tax affairs. Arrangements are agreed on a case-by-case basis and are tailored to individual circumstances and liabilities. During the outbreak, the usual 3.5% annual interest of deferred tax payments will be waived.

    If due to Covid-19 you are concerned about paying your taxes, call HMRC’s dedicated helpline on 0800 0159 559. The helpline is open fro 8 am to 8 pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays).

  6. Self-employed

    For those who are self-employed and not eligible for SSP, contributory Employment and Support Allowance will be payable, at a rate of £73.10 per week if you are over 25. This is for those who are eligible and affected by coronavirus or self-isolating in line with advice, from day one of sickness rather than day 8. They have also made it easier to claim Universal Credit. These measures also apply to those who earn below the Lower Earnings Limit.

  7. Mortgage Holidays

    Some banks and mortgage lenders are allowing customers affected by Covid-19 to delay their mortgage payments. Contact your bank or mortgage lender to discuss whether you can delay payments for a month or two in order to help with the cashflow – just remember that you may end up having to pay additional interest and such.

I will do my best to ensure that this information is kept up to date regularly – though there may be a delay of up to 24 hours between what is announced by the Government and getting it onto the blog.

Update as of 17:54pm: I’ve just been catching the highlights in the latest information released during the daily briefing and the government has announced the following:
– government-backed and guaranteed loans of £330 bn to support companies
-£10,000 cash grants for smaller firms
– an extension of the business rate holiday announced in the Budget
-a three-month mortgage payment holiday for homeowners

As more information becomes clear and available, I will update the blog and the fb page.

How do I register as self-employed?


Now that you have decided that you are indeed running a business and you need to register as self-employed; the process is pretty straight-forward. It is important to know that you must register by 5th October of your second year of trading, but it is advised that you register a lot sooner, and preferably within 3 months of starting your business.

To register as self-employed go to https://www.gov.uk/set-up-sole-trader, click on the link within the article, “Register for Self Assessment”, and follow the steps. Once you have submitted the information, HMRC will post out your Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR) and login details for Government Gateway. After you receive this information, you need to log onto your Government Gateway Account and complete your registration.

You may also need to consider the following:
1) Registering for VAT if your turnover is above the VAT threshold which has been £85,000 since 01/04/2017.
2) Registering for the Construction Industry Scheme if you are working as a contractor or sub-contractor in the construction industry.
3) Registering as an employer if you will be employing staff.

Once you are registered you will need to keep track of all income and expenses for the business so that you are able to file your Self-Assessment Tax Return and pay Class 2 and Class 4 National Insurance Contributions.

To make it easier to keep your business records straight, it helps if you separate them from your personal records. One way to do this is by setting up a separate bank account and/or PayPal account. This will ensure that only business transactions are tracked and make it easier for you to complete your accounts.

The amount of tax you will pay will depend on the profit of the business – this is calculated by subtracting allowable business expenses from your income. You are then taxed on the taxable profit. The tax-free personal allowance for both the 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 tax year is £12,500. After that, you will pay 20% tax up to £50,000, 40% tax on income over £50,000, and then 45% tax on income over £150,000.

Watch for my next blog post which will cover what you can claim as self-employed.

Is it a hobby or am I running a business?

You might spend your time baking cakes for people or making craft items – like decorations – and selling them, but how do you know if what you are doing is just a hobby or if it is a business?

There are several indicators that HMRC have outlined for you to look at and help you to decide if you need to register as self-employed. These are guidelines only and you are responsible for deciding if it is just a hobby or not but be aware that if HMRC thinks you are actually running a business; they will contact you and you may be fined.

One of the main indicators is whether you are buying/making goods with the intention of selling them for a profit. An example would be if you are making a cake and you sell that cake for more than it cost you to make it, that is selling with the intention of making a profit.

Another key indicator is the frequency that you are making and selling the items. Did you make the cake as a one-off or are you making several cakes each week and selling them? If it is the latter, then you are doing this on a regular basis.

What about what you are charging? Have you provided a fixed cost for the cake and the person buying it has agreed to pay that price? If so, then you have actually entered into a contract with that person. This would indicate that you are trading as a business.

Are you responsible for fixing errors with the item in your own time? If you are, then HMRC will see this as another indicator that you are running a business. As you have a contract in place to provide someone with a cake for a set price, that looks a particular way or uses specific colours, if the cake looks nothing like what was expected, the person can ask that you correct the imperfections asap.

Another indicator that you are running a business is whether you are able to hire people at your own expense to help you out or do the work for you or not. If someone has asked you to bake and decorate a cake for them and it needs to be done for a certain date, but you then agree to make a cake for someone else for the same date, you may decide to pay someone to help you to meet both deadlines instead of letting either person down.

If you are still unsure whether you are running a business or it is just a hobby, you can call and speak to HMRC to get further guidance.

Watch out for our next blog post on how to register as self-employed!

(Image by rawpixel from Pixabay)

My E-mails Have Stopped Working

If your e-mails have suddenly stopped working, please follow the chart below to help you to know what to do.  Ihelm Enterprises does not provide support for third party software, but we will try to help you as much as we possibly can.

To view the flowchart in a pdf format, please click here.

AutoEntry and Receipt Bank

As a small business owner, you know how precious your time is and it is often in short supply as you try to keep on top of sales, paying invoices, networking, advertising – and all the other aspects of running your business.

Finding ways to help make your processes more streamlined and efficient can play a big part in ensuring you can run your business smoothly and with as little stress as possible.

Maybe you’ve heard AutoEntry and Receipt Bank mentioned on a business forum you belong to, or your bookkeeper or accountant have suggested using them.

In this blog I am going to explain what they are and how they can help you.

What are AutoEntry and Receipt Bank?

AutoEntry and Receipt Bank are two pieces of software that can help automate the task of entering purchase invoices and receipts data into your accounting software.

They can make the whole process of entering invoices and receipts into your accounting software more streamlined and efficient.

How can they help make it easier to run your business?

There are many benefits to using this type of software:

  • frees up your time to focus on other tasks
  • your data is stored securely in the cloud so you don’t need to store paper copies
  • less chance of you losing those small receipts as you can take photos of them while you are out and about
  • helps you to meet the Making Tax Digital requirements by attaching images of the invoices to each transaction
  • verifies the accuracy of the data.

Will AutoEntry and Receipt Bank work with my current accounting software?

You can use AutoEntry and Receipt Bank with a number of different online accounts packages including QuickBooks, Xero, Sage, Kashflow and Free Agent.

You can find a complete list of packages on their websites: AutoEntry and Receipt Bank.

How much does AutoEntry and Receipt Bank cost?

When it comes to pricing – each software works in a different way.


Uses a credit system where you pay for a set number of credits per month (any credits you don’t use are rolled over for a 3-month period).

The number of credits used for each upload depends on the features used (ie 1 credit for invoices/bills/receipts, 2 credits for line items extracted, 3 credits for bank and credit card statements – per page).

If you run out of credits you can use up to twice the number of credits for your current subscription – you are then charged at the same rate and added onto the next month’s bundle.

You can have as many users as you need at no further cost.

A free trial period is available.

Costs start from as little as £9/month for 50 credits.

Receipt Bank:

You are allowed to submit the number of items per month as your plan allows.

There is a fair usage policy where you are given a bank of the number of items for a 3-month period – if you need to submit more items one month, you aren’t charged extra as long as you don’t go over the total items allowed in that period. (For example, if you are on the plan where you get 50 items/month, you would get a bank of 150 items/3-months – if one month you submit 75 items, month 2 you submit 25, and month 3 you submit 40 – as long as you don’t go over 150 items in total you won’t pay any extra).

You are prompted to update your subscription level based on how you regularly use the system (ie if you regularly submit more items than allowed).

Single User plans (suitable for a sole trader) starts from £9.99/month for 50 items/month.

Multi-User plans start from £20/month for 50 items/month – you can have as many profiles on the multi-user plans as needed.

A free trial is available.

For work at home busineses, I recommend AutoEntry.

I use AutoEntry with several of my bookkeeping clients in conjunction with QuickBooks Online.

I have used it for uploading and entering supplier invoices into the accounts, and it made the process of entering the data into the accounts much easier and efficient.

The clients can have the app on their phones, and they can easily snap photos of parking receipts, train tickets, or refreshment receipts while they are out and about meaning they don’t lose the paperwork and it’s all uploaded to the accounting software.

By having clients send supplier invoices straight to the dedicated e-mail address provided, we’ve cut out a step in the process and made it far more streamlined.

If you would like to talk to me about how I can help make your bookkeeping processes more streamlined, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Making Tax Digital (MTD)

What is Making Tax Digital and how will it affect me?

Making Tax Digital – better known as MTD – is the Government’s plan to make it easier for individuals and businesses to know what tax they have to pay before the end of the tax year.

Eventually, all businesses regardless of size and industry will be required to submit monthly figures to HMRC.

This will need to be done on Making Tax Digital (MTD) compatible software. So, anyone still using cashbooks, Excel or desktop accounting software such as older versions of SAGE 50, will need to move onto compatible cloud-based accounting software.

How will Making Tax Digital (MTD) work?

Everyone will have their own digital tax account that they can log into and check to ensure all the information HMRC hold on them is up to date and correct. HMRC will then use this information to ensure that each person is receiving all the services they should be. The theory is that by the end of 2020, customers will be able to see all their tax liabilities and benefits in one place.

How will Making Tax Digital affect my bookkeeping?

All businesses will have to use a software that is compatible with HMRC’s MTD software to keep their accounts – like QuickBooks Online for example. The software will send the necessary information to HMRC using an API key. All transactions in a business will have to be recorded digitally as paper records will no longer be accepted as meeting the legal requirements.

When will I need to be ready for Making Tax Digital?

At this point in time, only VAT registered businesses with a turnover above the VAT threshold of £85,000 will need to be compliant as of April 2019 and they only need to file their VAT returns. Eventually, all businesses within the UK will be required to file all information – including self-assessments and corporation tax returns – with HMRC using MTD compliant software.

When will Making Tax Digital start?

making tax digital timeline

What should I do now?

As further information is released by HMRC we will update our clients so that they are able to be compliant in time.

Currently bookkeeping clients of Ihelm Enterprises are one step ahead as we only use QuickBooks Online to maintain accounts and the software is MTD compliant.

If you would like to discuss how we can help you with your accounts and become MTD compliant please contact us on info@ihelm-enterprises.co.uk or use the contact form.

Are you a UK Business Owner and use QuickBooks Online Simple Start, Essentials or Plus?  Are you unsure of how to use the software correctly?

If so, why not take a look at the 5-Day Online Video Training Course I have created to help UK Business Owners learn how to use the basic features of QuickBooks Online?

Over the course of 5-days, you will be guided through how to set up your products and services, how to set up for VAT, how to invoice customers and receive payments, how to track purchases and expenses, how to properly use the bank feed, and how to access some of the most common reports that every business needs.  You will have access to this course for life, so you can work at your own pace and keep going back to it!

For a one-off fee of £79.00, you will receive full access to the course and can continue to return back to it anytime you need to!

Visit: https://courses.ihelm-enterprises.co.uk/courses/the-basics-of-quickbooks-online-a-5-day-training-course/ to read more about the course and buy it today!
